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Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

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Jerrycans Ethiopia
The cost of water in Ethiopia

Across the country people are paying large portions of their daily income for water. Whether they are purchasing water from vendors or buying it from neighbors, this takes away from giving their families more in life.

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Loan repayment
The story of WaterCredit

Watch as we share with you how WaterCredit progressed into what is now a solution that is empowering millions of people in need in India and around the world.

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Ruth reading
Ruth can read

Proud of herself, Ruth read to her mother. The two sat enjoying Ruth's book just a few feet from their new water connection. This connection means Ruth will never know the water crisis like her mother once did. Instead, Ruth can focus on school, and reading her favorite books.

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A Better Path
A better path to water

Gary White, Co-Founder & CEO of, has been working to improve lives with access to safe water for more than twenty years. These two decades of experience led Gary to realize that the traditional cycle of philanthropy (spend money to provide water, and raise money for the next village) would never solve the water crisis for every person on the planet. There had to be a better path.

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Leneriza Story
The cost of Leneriza's water, then and now

The people with the least access to safe water are spending the most to get it. People like Leneriza.

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India 0
How our solutions are working in India

Access to safe water is a conduit to help people achieve their full potential. But, access to safe water can be expensive when you are a family living below the poverty line in India. Families pay 5 to 10 times what others may pay who live above the poverty line. It is in this juxtaposition that we understand why some may be prohibited from achieving much more than survival. And, it is why is connecting with institutions in India to bring solutions to meet the water and sanitation needs of families.

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She changed her world

After learning that small, affordable loans were available from their local bank to fund needed water taps or toilets, Lakshmee wanted to tell her friends and neighbors. She knew this could change all of their lives, and their community. Read more about how access to safe water and sanitation empowers moms to do more for themselves and their families.

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women in India
Three moms and their stories

Narrated by Jodie Foster, watch the inspiring stories of three mothers who broke the cycle of poverty and found a path to water. Each from different parts of the world, these women shared the need for access to water and sanitation at home. Discover how they overcame their water crises with small, affordable loans. The loans empowered each woman with the funds needed to purchase safe water and sanitation solutions for their families. As moms, these resources further empowered them to do more for themselves and their families.

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Erni's family in Indonesia
Less than $3.20

When saw people like Erni facing a choice between unaffordable and undrinkable, we created a third option called WaterCredit. One of the major barriers to safe water and sanitation is affordable financing. WaterCredit helps families get access to affordable financing that enables them to pay for water connections at home, and end their cycle of poverty.

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Semambo coffee
Semambo Grows

Upon meeting Semambo one discovers she is truly living out the beauty of her dreams. Strong and bold like the coffee she grows, she overcame obstacles that once stood between her and the ability to earn an income to support her family.

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Carrying a vessel
Her crisis

Today 771 million people lack access to safe water. Each one has great potential, yet the burden of the water crisis hinders their every attempt to break free from the cycle of poverty. When it comes down to who will bear the burden of daily water collection, it’s women and girls.

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Safe water and pregnancy

Grace’s baby was due to arrive any day. Grace lives in a small rural village several hours south of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Thirty-three million people lack access to safe water in her country. Read about how a small, affordable loan empowered Grace and her husband to give their young family safe water and a bright future.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
