Brazil stories

Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

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Water means everything to this dad and his family in Brazil

Despite water scarcity, drought, and a low-income, Jeova found a safe water solution to his family’s water crisis. Click to hear more Jeova about why water means everything to his family.

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Jonas, from Brazil
Against all odds, this dad gave his family safe water at home

It is because of generous donors that this dad in Brazil got what he needed to solve his family’s water crisis. When it seemed like all odds were against Jonas, your support made it possible for him to access an affordable, long-term safe water solution, that has changed his family’s lives.

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Today Andreia and her family have safe water at home

For years, Andreia’s family didn't have access to safe water on their property. Andreia knew her kids' childhoods could be full of learning, playtime, and healthy days if Andreia could find an affordable way to give them the safe water needed to survive and thrive.

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Cirliane's water crisis is over

Cirliane lives in a rural farming village in Brazil. Cirliane and her husband, Gean, needed access to safe water at home so they could effectively run their farming and baking businesses and, more importantly, so they could protect the health of their baby boy, Joae.

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Improved sanitation brings comfort and safety

Andrea lives in Brazil. She provides for her family’s necessities like food and shelter, but beyond those things, she has not been in a financial position to save enough money to improve her family’s sanitation situation. Read how a small, affordable loan changed this.

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For some, access to water at home is a dream come true

For Dona Terezinha, access to water at home is a dream come true. Read about how, when the COVID-19 pandemic reached her community, she was empowered with the safe water and toilet she needed to protect herself and her grandson.

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Glaucia's sanitation crisis solved

For Glaucia, paying a small amount each month to pay off a loan for a bathroom at home was both affordable and practical. She no longer had to worry about her family’s health and the medical expenses that came with poor hygiene issues. Glaucia gave her family a bathroom much sooner than she’d ever thought imaginable.

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How the water crisis affects families in Brazil

Like 25 million Brazilians, Maria lacked access to adequate sanitation in her home, where she lives and works and helps raise her granddaughter. Read about how a small loan gave this mother and grandmother the resource needed to keep her family healthy.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
