All stories

Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

All stories
Matt Damon in Haiti
She will play

A conversation between Co-Founder, Matt Damon and a young Haitian girl confirms when kids have access to safe water, then they have time to play.

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Rosalie in the Philippines
She's in control now

Rosalie was eager to share her water connection with us. She is a young mother and cannot imagine life for herself and her children without access to safe water.

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Ruth in Peru

Ruth is hopeful and determined. After a childhood spent collecting water, she wanted more for her adult life. She is now an artist, a wife, and an empowered mother who is changing her family’s world.

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Mysore India wheat
Give water credit for time

Access to safe water doesn't just provide women with one of life's necessities; it can unlock the possibility of a whole new life.

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Manjula in India
Few things are more valuable than time

Without a water tap at home, Manjula had no choice but to carry a 20-30 pound container back-and-forth each day from a community water tank about a kilometer from her home.

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Children playing outside India
Playtime in India

For kids in India, the humid Summer and Monsoon seasons make access to safe water a playtime prerequisite.

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Flower field Bangalore
April showers bring flowers

A few dozen kilometers south of Bangalore, India, something new is blooming.

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Cambodia's water crisis
Fear to freedom

Concerned for their daughters’ safety, this couple found a solution that empowered them to stop fearing what could go wrong, and start dreaming about what could go right.

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Gilbert in Kenya
Make it rain

Depending on their situation, millions in need have the potential to define their own safe water and sanitation solutions through small, affordable loans.

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Mary in Kenya
Half empty, or half full?

At her home in Kenya, Mary's old water tank posed a serious risk to her and her family's health as an open barrel of standing water can quickly become a breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

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Ethiopia's water crisis
The power of water in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has experienced recurring bouts of drought and floods for years.'s work in Ethiopia empowered families and communities to access available safe water and sanitation solutions.

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Aisyah is smart

Meet Aisyah. Empowered with access to safe water at home, she changed her own world.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
