Kenya stories

Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

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Alice saves money and her family

Alice and her family rely on the food her livestock, plants, and trees produce. In the same way, these things rely on Alice to give them water. So how does one living in rural Kenya get enough water to not only provide for their family’s needs but to also keep their plants and animals healthy? For a time, Alice had to piece together water from various sources.

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Water for Daniel's family

Daniel and his wife, Dorcus, found their family's safe water solution through’s partner bank in Kenya. Daniel and Dorcus took out a small loan through Equity Bank to purchase a rain storage tank. Read how access to safe water through this tank has changed their lives.

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The power of supporting one another

The people we serve are change agents capable of transforming their lives and communities. Journey with us to a village in rural Kenya where a small group of people worked together to make a big difference for themselves and their neighbors.

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Empowering families in Kenya with access to water

Beautiful and lively, Kenya boasts a culture of tradition and hospitality, yet it continues to struggle with one of the world’s greatest challenges—access to water for all. Meet some of the families whose lives have been changed through our smart solutions.

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Grace and Josh
For her farm and family

Grace is wise and driven. She is a mother of four children, a grandmother to eight, and she is recognized by many in her community, and across Kenya, as an exemplary farmer and businesswoman. Grace credits her success to financing and the opportunities small, affordable loans make possible - like safe water for her farm and family.

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Elizabeth's Dream
Elizabeth's dream

When one has time to follow their dreams, those dreams can become reality. However, millions of women around the world don’t have time to realize their dreams. Women like Elizabeth. Instead of pursuing her dream of making dresses to support her family, she spent that time each day collecting water. Mile after mile, heavy bucket after heavy bucket of water, it seemed there was no end in sight.

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India - Loan card 2
How small loans empower women to define their futures

We've seen, across many different countries, the crippling cycle of poverty that the lack of access to clean water and sanitation perpetuates. For women, collecting water is a major activity each day. They walk to the local community tap and then spend hours in line waiting to fill their containers. Children—mostly girls—are forced to leave school to spend their time collecting water, their future choices narrowing with every bucket filled. Read more on why access to small affordable loans are a proven, powerful, long-term solution to helping millions solve their water crisis.

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Sabina and son in Kenya

Sabina approaches her days with bold wisdom, keen resourcefulness and a dedication to hard work.

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Gilbert in Kenya
Make it rain

Depending on their situation, millions in need have the potential to define their own safe water and sanitation solutions through small, affordable loans.

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Mary in Kenya
Half empty, or half full?

At her home in Kenya, Mary's old water tank posed a serious risk to her and her family's health as an open barrel of standing water can quickly become a breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
