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Harpic's Clean Toilet Action Campaign to provide cleaner toilets to Indonesia

Feb. 1, 2020

4.5 million households in Java, Indonesia, still practice open defecation. This prompted Harpic, a toilet cleaner produced and marketed by Reckitt Benckiser, to commit to alleviating the problem of open defecation in Java by 2025.

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Global Citizen - Billions of People Won't Have Access to Water or a Toilet This Holiday Season

Dec. 20, 2019

It’s the holiday season. Conversations about who will host which gathering are in full swing. Imagine if some of the considerations were whether the host family has access to running water, or if they could offer guests a toilet.

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Elite Daily - Running Water Is Changing These Women's Lives In A Way You Never Thought Of

April 8, 2019

How small, affordable loans made possible by are empowering women in Peru and around the world to turn their dreams into reality.

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Impakter - Small Loans for Safe Water: Unleashing Women’s Power

March 19, 2019

"It’s a hand up, not a hand out, and as such it is immensely empowering.” President, Jennifer Schorsch, on how is helping empower millions of women and their families with access to safe water and sanitation.

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Matt Damon: We need to talk about toilets

Aug. 14, 2017

Hollywood star Matt Damon is trying to improve sanitation in developing countries, one toilet at a time.

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National Geographic - Talking Toilets With Matt Damon

July 26, 2017

The actor is on a mission to bring sanitation and safe water to the entire planet.

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Huffington Post - My Interview with Gary White, Co-founder,

Dec. 1, 2016

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New York Times - Dirty Water and Open Defecation Threaten Gains in Child Health

June 30, 2015

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USA Today - Q&A: Matt Damon Bringing Water to the Masses

Jan. 20, 2015

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The Guardian - We Can Solve the Water and Sanitation Crisis But We need Your Help

Sept. 22, 2014

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Yahoo! News - Why Matt Damon Loves Toilets

March 24, 2014

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CNN Opinion - Together We Can Solve the Water Crisis

Jan. 24, 2014

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