Uganda's water and sanitation crisis

Out of its population of 45 million people, 38 million people (83% of the population) lack access to a reliable, safely managed source of water, and 7 million people (17%) lack access to improved sanitation solutions. Uganda has experienced two decades of economic growth, leading to large population movements from rural areas to informal settlements around urban centers. High population growth stresses the water and sanitation services that exist.

Further, urban people living in poverty pay as much as 22 percent of their income to access water from water vendors. Spending such a high percentage of earnings on water reduces overall household income, limiting opportunities to build savings and break the cycle of poverty. And many families living in rural areas spend more than 30 minutes walking to collect the water their families need, taking time away from work and school.

However, there is positive momentum as the government of Uganda aims to have safe water and improved sanitation for everyone by 2030 and is well-positioned to help.

  • Stories of Impact

    Health and hope are flowing

    Namulondo is a hardworking health assistant at a local hospital and a loving single mom who has dedicated her life to caring for her children. A small, affordable loan helped Namulondo pay for a rain storage tank, providing her family with enough water for several months.

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  • Stories of Impact

    Water makes dreams come true

    Water has the power to make dreams a reality. With a small, affordable loan made available to Rose by her local bank, Rose was able to give her family a long-term water solution. Now she has money to pay for her daughter's schooling, bringing to life Maggie's dream of becoming a nurse.

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  • Stories of Impact

    Semambo Grows

    Upon meeting Semambo one discovers she is truly living out the beauty of her dreams. Strong and bold like the coffee she grows, she overcame obstacles that once stood between her and the ability to earn an income to support her family.

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    Semambo coffee

Uganda impact statistics

People reached 517,000

The number of people who now have access to safe water or sanitation and the health and opportunity they bring.

Capital mobilized (USD) 22 million

Our partners mobilize funds from capital markets to provide water and sanitation loans.

Loans disbursed 26,000

Our local partners make loans to people in need for life-changing safe water and sanitation solutions.

Number of active partners 5

We work with financial institutions, service providers, international agencies, and governments to make an impact.

Average loan size (USD) $844

Small loans can help make a big difference by providing long-term solutions for families in need around the world.

Percent of women borrowers 51%

Women are primarily responsible for household water collection and are solving the water crisis for their families.

Households living under $6.00/day 80%

We are committed to helping people living in poverty get access to safe water and sanitation solutions at home.

To help us reach more people in need of safe water and sanitation in Uganda, donate today.
