Kenya's water and sanitation crisis

With a population of 53 million, about 28 million Kenyans lack access to safe water and 41 million lack access to improved sanitation.

Growing water demand and water scarcity have turned into a notable challenge in Kenya. Climate change, population growth, urbanization, water pollution, and poor management of water resources have aggravated the issue of the water crisis, which affects economic activities, food security, education, and health. These challenges are especially evident in rural areas and urban slums where people are often unable to connect to piped water infrastructure.

Access to safe water and sanitation at home changes everything for families in Kenya, giving them time to learn, earn, and care for their farms and families.
  • Stories of Impact

    Mueni's family has safe water at home

    Mueni’s family lacked access to safe water at home. Not until recently did her mom learn she could take a small loan to help the family finance a long-term safe water solution. This is Mueni’s story about how lasting access to safe water at home has changed her life.

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  • Stories of Impact


    Josephine named her daughter Victorious, and victorious they are indeed. Josephine conquered her family’s water crisis and now lives the life she always dreamt of having. Celebrate Josephine and Victorious' story with us.

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  • Stories of Impact

    Bright futures in Kenya start with safe water

    The schoolmaster at Solidarity Primary School understands the link between access to safe water and having the time and health for school. This is why she prioritized safe water and sanitation solutions for her students.

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Kenya impact statistics

People reached 6.5 million

The number of people who now have access to safe water or sanitation and the health and opportunity they bring.

Capital mobilized (USD) $669 million

Our partners mobilize funds from capital markets to provide water and sanitation loans.

Loans disbursed 1.6 million

Our local partners make loans to people in need for life-changing safe water and sanitation solutions.

Number of active partners 6

We work with financial institutions, service providers, international agencies, and governments to make an impact.

Repayment rate 97%

Every repaid loan means another family in need can get affordable access to safe water at home.

Average loan size (USD) $407

Small loans can help make a big difference by providing long-term solutions for families in need around the world.

Percent of women borrowers 59%

Women are primarily responsible for household water collection and are solving the water crisis for their families.

To help us reach more people in need of safe water and sanitation in Kenya, donate today.
