India's water and sanitation crisis

Out of its population of 1.3 billion people, 91 million people (6% of the population) lack access to safe water, and 746 million people (54%) lack access to safely managed household sanitation facilities. Current challenges include extreme water stress, contaminated surface water and lack of access to piped water supply. The effects from climate change like droughts and rising sea levels also affect access to safe water and sanitation for families in India.

These factors, combined with the current initiative by the Government of India to provide tap water connections to every household by 2024, have created unprecedented urgency to implement effective solutions to increase access to safe water and sanitation.

  • Stories of Impact

    Anita's family is safe

    Anita wanted to give her girls a safe, healthy place to go but, the thought of paying for a private toilet at home felt financially impossible. How could she save to build a toilet when the costs of living were already too high? Read about how a small loan helped Anita solve her family's sanitation crisis.

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  • Stories of Impact

    It's time for school

    Water makes time for school possible for kids in Rasulpur and around the world. When kids have access to safe water at home they can walk to school instead of walk to collect water.

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  • Stories of Impact


    In a small community outside of Hyderabad, India, Usha is one of many women who used small, affordable loans to construct a water tap or toilet at home.

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India impact statistics

People reached 20 million

The number of people who now have access to safe water or sanitation and the health and opportunity they bring.

Capital mobilized (USD) $1 billion

Our partners mobilize funds from capital markets to provide water and sanitation loans.

Loans disbursed 4.5 million

Our local partners make loans to people in need for life-changing safe water and sanitation solutions.

Number of active partners 29

We work with financial institutions, service providers, international agencies, and governments to make an impact.

Repayment rate 99%

Every repaid loan means another family in need can get affordable access to safe water at home.

Average loan size (USD) $229

Small loans can help make a big difference by providing long-term solutions for families in need around the world.

Percent of women borrowers 99%

Women are primarily responsible for household water collection and are solving the water crisis for their families.

Households living under $6.00/day 94%

We are committed to helping people living in poverty get access to safe water and sanitation solutions at home.

To help us reach more people in need of safe water and sanitation in India, donate today.
