She's in control now

Rosalie was eager to share her water connection with us. She is the mother of two young children. Her home is made of thatch and tarps. While her husband works as a day-laborer doing odd jobs, she does the domestic chores. She uses water for everything; watering their garden, washing laundry, cooking, bathing, drinking, etc.

Because Rosalie used to walk to find water, or use other people’s water connections, she had to budget every ounce very carefully. Regarding the water she purchased, Rosalie shared, “It was much more expensive than the amount I am repaying on my loan for my tap.”

The need for water impacted her finances and time every single day. It is for people like Rosalie that we created WaterCredit – empowering people with small, affordable loans to get access to safe water and sanitation at home. After sharing how the small loan has dramatically changed her life, Rosalie ended our time together saying, “Now I can do so many things in my life like wash dishes when I want, bathe myself and my kids…play with my kids. Water does not control my life anymore.”

 Give water credit for empowering a young mother to take control of her own life.