Leaving a legacy of safe water

Leaving a legacy gift to Water.org benefits you and your loved ones through tax benefits and also helps to bring safe water to those most in need around the world. When you leave a legacy gift, you will know that your generosity is helping to ensure bright futures for generations to come.

After completing your estate planning, we invite you to send us a copy of the relevant section of your will or trust documents that outline your bequest to Water.org. This helps us with our planning and also enables us to keep you up to date on our work and impact. Any information you share with Water.org is kept with strict confidence. 

By becoming a member of the Water.org bequest family, you are making a commitment to helping us get closer to safe water and sanitation for all.


Bequests are one of the most common (and most simple) ways to leave a legacy gift. Here are ways you can leave a bequest to Water.org:

  • Specific Bequest - Designate the amount of money or specific asset (property, securities, etc.) you wish to donate.
  • Percentage Bequest - Designate the percentage of your estate you want distributed to Water.org.
  • Residuary Bequest - Instruct that any remaining part of your estate be distributed to Water.org after distributions are made to family, friends, etc.
  • Contingent Bequest - Instruct that Water.org receive assets in the event that a beneficiary in your will is no longer living.

Sample bequest language:

I give and bequeath the sum of $ _____ (or __% of my estate) to Water.org to be used in support of its general philanthropic purposes.

If you would like to make a charitable bequest, our Federal Tax Exempt Number is 58-2060131.

Gifts of Life Insurance

Another simple way to leave a legacy of safe water is to name Water.org as a beneficiary of any individual or group life insurance policy. You will get an estate tax deduction for insurance proceeds that go to Water.org upon your death.

Charitable Lead Trusts

With a charitable lead trust, you transfer cash or appreciated property to a trust, which makes payments to Water.org for a period of time after which the assets of the trust are transferred to your beneficiaries. These trusts are particularly useful for managing capital gains and gift taxes for assets that have appreciated in value.

Retirement Plans and Other Investments

An IRA, 401(K), 403(b) or another qualified retirement plan has tax benefits for accumulating assets, but at death they may be subject to income and estate taxes. Without planning, over 60% of the value of your tax-deferred accounts may go to taxes. Gifting these accounts makes use of the full value of the assets. To leave your IRA or other retirement plan to Water.org (either as primary or contingent beneficiary), contact your retirement plan company to request a change in beneficiary designation form.


For more information, please email donorcare@water.org or call 816-877-8451.

Please let us know if you have included Water.org in your will, life insurance, or estate plans so that we may thank you for your generous commitment to Water.org and our vision of safe water and sanitation for all.

The information on our planned giving page is for informational purposes only. As with any decision involving your financial or estate plans, we strongly advise you to seek the advice of your financial advisor for your estate planning.