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Bloomberg TV - Matt Damon Says There Are Solutions to the Global Water Crisis

March 22, 2018

Matt Damon and Gary White join Bloomberg TV on the UN's World Water Day to discuss investing in safe water access for various communities.

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Stanford Social Innovation Review - Taps and Toilets for All

Feb. 26, 2018

Written by Gary White and Matt Damon. Microfinance for water and sanitation enables people to find their own solutions.

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Ethiopia: Inventive Water Financing to Prop Up GTP II Targets

Dec. 30, 2017

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Water, Water Everywhere, Costs More Than You Might Think

Dec. 7, 2017

The case for digital finance in the water sector

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A Kansas City Social Entrepreneur Says Global Water Crisis Can Be Solved In His Lifetime

Oct. 20, 2017

“It is doable,” White told host Steve Kraske on a recent edition of KCUR's Up to Date. “We solved this problem in the U.S. and in Europe more than 100 years ago. It's not rocket science. We're not looking for a silver bullet. We know how to do this.”

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Forbes - How Matt Damon Plans To Get 500 Million People Access To Water - And Make A Buck For Investors

Sept. 21, 2017

Speaking at the 2017 Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy in Manhattan on Tuesday, Matt Damon pitched access to safe water and sanitation as the lynchpin to achieving all of United Nations’ sustainable development goals.

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Matt Damon: We need to talk about toilets

Aug. 14, 2017

Hollywood star Matt Damon is trying to improve sanitation in developing countries, one toilet at a time.

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The Guardian - Matt Damon: 'Children are drinking water so dirty it looks like chocolate milk'

April 24, 2017

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NPR - Matt Damon And Gary White On The World's Water Crisis

April 21, 2017

One topic at this week's World Bank Spring Meetings is water scarcity. David Greene speaks with the Co-founders of, actor Matt Damon and Gary White, about people who can't access clean water.

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CBS This Morning - Matt Damon and Gary White on worldwide initiative for clean water

March 22, 2017

Oscar-winner Matt Damon is working to bring clean water to everyone worldwide. He co-founded with longtime water expert and engineer Gary White. Their goal is to help the more than 660 million people without access to safe water.

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Devex - Q&A: CEO of on bringing water to 5 million people through social impact investing

March 22, 2017

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Next Billion - How 'Took a Leap of Faith' into Social Impact Investing

March 22, 2017

Research and experience has shown that there is a $12 billion demand among families at the base of the economic pyramid (BoP) for access to affordable financing, such as small loans, to meet their water and sanitation needs

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