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Answering the Call to Invest in the World’s Poor

Nov. 1, 2017

Article by Gary White, CEO and Co-founder of, for the International Water Association

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Next Billion - How 'Took a Leap of Faith' into Social Impact Investing

March 22, 2017

Research and experience has shown that there is a $12 billion demand among families at the base of the economic pyramid (BoP) for access to affordable financing, such as small loans, to meet their water and sanitation needs

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Inside Philanthropy - Why is Matt Damon Encouraging Everyone to “Buy a Lady a Drink?”

Jan. 26, 2017

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The Guardian - Eight ideas to fund access to water and toilets for all by 2030

Sept. 19, 2016

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WASHfunders- COP21 Offers an Opportunity to Integrate Water, Climate and Human Development

May 12, 2016

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World Economic Forum Agenda - 5 things you need to know about water and climate

Jan. 14, 2016

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Tempus Magazine - co-founders Matt Damon and Gary White are empowering the planet one tap at a time

Dec. 31, 2015

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Huffington Post - It's Expensive to Be Poor

Sept. 9, 2015

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Reuters - U.N. states agree post-2015 sustainable development agenda

Aug. 2, 2015

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New York Times - Dirty Water and Open Defecation Threaten Gains in Child Health

June 30, 2015

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Brink News - Using Market Forces To Solve The Water Crisis

March 25, 2015

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World Economic Forum - Will 2015 Be the Turning Point for Water

March 24, 2015

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