News, Press & Perspectives

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Forbes India - Vedika Bhandarkar: Water woman

March 6, 2020's Vedika Bhandarkar is on Forbes India's list of Self Made Women 2020. After a successful first career in banking, Vedika is working to bring safe water and sanitation to those living at the base of the economic pyramid.

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Financial inclusion for safe water and sanitation helps women and their families break the cycle of poverty

Feb. 4, 2020

For many people living in poverty, it’s expensive to not have access to water or a toilet. The reality is, in many countries around the world people in poverty pay a very high price for these things. These costs make it harder for families to get out of poverty. Read more from's Chief Operating Officer on how financial inclusion for water and sanitation is changing lives.

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The water crisis is a women's crisis

Jan. 2, 2020

Access to water and sanitation is a global crisis. It’s also a women’s crisis. The burden of collecting water disproportionately falls to women and girls. To solve the water crisis, we must unlock new sources of capital through innovative financing. Doing so will unleash the power and potential of girls and women globally.

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Seeing the people we empower through a different lens

Nov. 8, 2019

Traveling around the world reveals we are more alike than different, however one thing stands out. Many people we meet lack access to safe water and sanitation. Read more from Benjamin Heath, a photographer who has supported our work for more than five years.

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SOCAP19 - Jennifer Schorsch on Building and Scaling an Impact Organization

Oct. 29, 2019 President Jennifer Schorsch shares her experience and what it takes to build and scale an organization that makes a big impact. Be clear on your purpose, aggressively innovate, fail forward and more.

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Skoll - Tapping Small Loans for Toilets and Safe Water Unleashes Women’s Potential

Aug. 21, 2019

Women who lack access to life’s basics know exactly what they need. And they’re getting it.

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Global Citizen - In Ethiopia, Mothers Bear the Weight of the Water Crisis

May 17, 2019

Hear from Melanie Mendrys, Director of brand and marketing, on her experience in Ethiopia and why we do what we do to help change lives in Ethiopia and around the world.

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Moms who change the future

May 9, 2019

Millions of moms are affected by the water crisis. Our solution empowers them to solve it. Read more from April Davies, Senior Regional Manager, Latin America.

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Elite Daily - Running Water Is Changing These Women's Lives In A Way You Never Thought Of

April 8, 2019

How small, affordable loans made possible by are empowering women in Peru and around the world to turn their dreams into reality.

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Impakter - Small Loans for Safe Water: Unleashing Women’s Power

March 19, 2019

"It’s a hand up, not a hand out, and as such it is immensely empowering.” President, Jennifer Schorsch, on how is helping empower millions of women and their families with access to safe water and sanitation.

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Skoll Foundation - The Power of Water Micro-Lending as Income Enhancer

April 4, 2018’s work in India has established that water and sanitation is not a consumption product, but a loan that helps enhance household income.

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The Daily Show - Transforming Lives with and WaterEquity

March 21, 2018

Matt Damon and Gary White talk with Trevor Noah about their successful efforts to help millions of people in developing countries gain access to safe water.

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