News, Press & Perspectives

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AWS - Innovating with AWS will help us solve the world's water crisis in our own lifetimes

March 22, 2023

A new AWS-based learning management system will make it easier for to enable access to safe water to people living in poverty around the world.

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UN Today - No smoke on the water

March 1, 2023

Co-founders of, Matt Damon and Gary White on global water inequality.

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Impacting Our Future - Matt Damon and Gary White Want to Ease the Global Water Crisis With Innovation

Oct. 10, 2022

Actor Matt Damon and entrepreneur Gary White are fighting to change water crisis numbers.

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Newsweek - Time to Rethink How We Get More People Safe Water

Sept. 20, 2022

Matt Damon, Gary White, and Kris Licht provide their perspective on what needs to be done to end the global water crisis.

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TIME - Matt Damon Wants You to Care About Water

March 29, 2022

Co-authors Gary White and Matt Damon speak about their experience founding, their work over the years, and the difficulties and occasional frustrations of trying to make people care about a crisis which, for many, is happening a world away.

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Bloomberg - Matt Damon and Gary White Co-writing a Book on Access to Clean Water

Nov. 23, 2021

Co-founders Gary White and Matt Damon are sharing how access to safe water or sanitation has changed the story of 40 million people around the world.

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Forbes - Matt Damon X Stella Artois Join Forces to Give Back

Nov. 8, 2021 Co-Founder Matt Damon shares how the partnership with Stella Artois has helped empower more than 3 million people with access to safe water. This holiday season, every Stella Artois product or chalice purchased will help provide safe water to people in need.

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CNN - Access to clean, safe water is essential in the fight against climate change

Nov. 1, 2021

Via CNN - Why addressing the water crisis is critical in fighting the climate crisis - an interview with Co-founders Gary White and Matt Damon

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Fortune - Invest in women to solve the water and sanitation crisis

April 27, 2021

"Women are leading in solving the global water and sanitation crisis; they only need the resources to get there." co-founders Gary White and Matt Damon share their insight on how women are a force for change that can’t be ignored.

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The 'truly incalculable' impact of getting water to all: Matt Damon and Gary White talk to Radio Davos

March 22, 2021

On World Water Day, Matt Damon and Gary White share about our work with Radio Davos.

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Global Heroes - Breaking the Poverty Cycle

Dec. 1, 2020 co-founder Matt Damon talks about the power of water to change lives.

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Milken Institute - To Solve the Water Crisis, We Must Rethink the Way We Invest

Nov. 11, 2020

Co-founders Gary White and Matt Damon share how WaterEquity has continued to expand and scale during COVID-19, empowering people with access to safe water and sanitation, while also providing attractive returns to investors.

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