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Forbes - Takes Impact Investing Plunge

Jan. 2, 2019

“It took about 20 years to reach one million people through the traditional approach of digging wells and installing toilets. We are now reaching over one million people a quarter." Hear more from Gary White about the power of impact investing to change lives with safe water.

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Harvard Business School Alumni - A market-based approach to solving the world's water crisis

Nov. 21, 2018

Jennifer Tisdel Schorsch, president of, discusses the way the organization approaches financing solutions to the global water crisis.

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CEO Magazine - The power of purpose

Nov. 15, 2018

From Matt Damon to Mark Zuckerberg, celebrities and tycoons are using their platforms for positive action.

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Skoll Foundation - How to Spend a Billion Bucks? The Global Water Crisis

Oct. 5, 2018

How would you spend a billion dollars? Gary White knows what he will do. The CEO and co-founder says his organization has reached the $1 billion milestone in its efforts to help people access clean water and sanitation.

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Banco da Família meets annual credit goal for basic sanitation in just eight months

Sept. 17, 2018

In partnership with, Banco da Família financed R $1.9 million for families to build or renovate their bathrooms.

Read more joins Finish Mondial to team up for affordable toilets worldwide

Aug. 31, 2018 and Waste signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to work more closely together on the Finish Mondial concept, creating commercial lending facilities for both households, as well as suppliers in the whole supply chain for cheap toilet.

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Milken Institute - Investing in Safe Water Allows Opportunities to Flow

May 8, 2018

Written by Gary White and Matt Damon - The power of impact investing is why we believe we’re now standing on the brink of the solution to finally end the global water crisis. That's why we created WaterEquity.

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Skoll Foundation - The Power of Water Micro-Lending as Income Enhancer

April 4, 2018’s work in India has established that water and sanitation is not a consumption product, but a loan that helps enhance household income.

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Next Billion - WASH Away Inequity

March 22, 2018

CEO Gary White shares the impact of access to safe water through affordable financing, including a personal story of one woman's changed life in the Philippines.

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Stanford Social Innovation Review - Taps and Toilets for All

Feb. 26, 2018

Written by Gary White and Matt Damon. Microfinance for water and sanitation enables people to find their own solutions.

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Ethiopia: Inventive Water Financing to Prop Up GTP II Targets

Dec. 30, 2017

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Water, Water Everywhere, Costs More Than You Might Think

Dec. 7, 2017

The case for digital finance in the water sector

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