2022 at a glance

8 million+

8,750,204 lives changed across 11 countries

$656 million

$656,546,670 in small loans disbursed by our partners for water or sanitation

1.9 million

1,908,077 million water or sanitation loans disbursed by our partners

In 2022, 8.7 million more people now have access to safe water or sanitation. 

See the number of lives changed in each country in 2022.

Access to financing is solving the water crisis for millions

For millions around the world, access to funds stands between them and safe water and sanitation in their home. In 2022, we continued our work to help connect people living in poverty with access to affordable financing through our in-country partners.

89% of borrowers are women
74% live in rural areas
90% live on less than $6.85

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We could not do this life-changing work without you. Together we can create more stories of resilience, health and hope for millions more people in need of safe water and sanitation.

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Together, we can change the lives of millions more.
